Thursday, April 2, 2009



金克木- 金(铁)能改变木的形状
木克土- 土地无树木扎根则会忪软无力
土克水- 土壤能围困及控制水量和水流
水克火- 水能灭火
火克金- 火能把金铁溶化

金生水- 金铁溶化变成液体
水生木- 水能灌溉树木
木生火- 木材用于生火
火生土- 火烧能生肥土
土生金- 肥土产生金矿物质

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How Feng Shui help ?

Feng Shui is a science and not magic. It can help us to understand our environment and identify area of concern but it doesn't make you a millionaire over night by just placing a picture over a wall. Individual effort and positive mind is important toward a better life. By knowing your house Feng Shui, you may able to improve family hormony and fortune, a simple statement more good luck, less bad luck.

What is Feng Shui ?

Feng Shui is actually two chinese characters which mean wing and water, which combined influence of both can create impact to our living environment. Feng Shui study the combination of Yin and Yang forces with the five elements namely Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, how it affect us in our home and working place.